Latest bkZ Info
Map - kz_2001

Record info
Record: pl1 - 03:20.80
Date: 14.05.2013
Rebeaten: 5
World record: w1zz - 02:37.88
Map info
Difficulty: Average
Mapper: Licoti
Created on: 18.06.2010
Type: Official

Previous record holders
Jumper Time Date
hateR 03:25.30 ( 00:04.50) Tue, Aug 24 2010
hateR 03:29.86 ( 00:09.06) Sat, Jul 31 2010
sp 03:38 ( ~ 00:17.20) Wed, Jun 30 2010
sp 03:59 ( ~ 00:38.20) Mon, Jun 21 2010

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Other maps with the same difficulty
kzro_raincliff kzro_raincliff cl_gloom cl_gloom sector_adventure sector_adventure kz_synergy kz_synergy

Other maps from mapper Licoti
kz_kzfr_escape kz_kzfr_escape kz_kzfr_mariocastle kz_kzfr_mariocastle lico_valley lico_valley risk_snowcastle risk_snowcastle

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