Latest bkZ Info
Map - cah_lost

Record info
Record: Xsi - 01:50.70
Date: 15.05.2022
Rebeaten: 4
World record: shooting-star - 01:53.23
Map info
Difficulty: Average-Hard
Mapper: cahz0r
Created on: 18.08.2014
Type: Official

Previous record holders
Jumper Time Date
pl1 02:33.41 ( 00:42.71) Mon, Sep 06 2021
JumPeR# 03:03.55 ( 01:12.85) Thu, Sep 25 2014
forbiddEN 03:08.59 ( 01:17.89) Tue, Sep 18 2012

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Other maps from mapper cahz0r
kzro_nightcamp kzro_nightcamp

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