Latest bkZ Info
Map - ins_air

Record info
Record: kkslw - 01:15.20
Date: 22.01.2023
Rebeaten: 5
World record: rawe - 01:10.68
Map info
Difficulty: Easy
Mapper: hm^
Created on: 06.06.2015
Type: Official

Previous record holders
Jumper Time Date
kkslw 01:17.92 ( 00:02.72) Sun, Jan 15 2023
transcendence 01:21.74 ( 00:06.54) Tue, May 19 2020
HEX 01:31.37 ( 00:16.17) Mon, May 11 2020
tasi 01:36.47 ( 00:21.27) Mon, May 04 2020

<< Previous map [ imao_darkcavern ] [ ins_air2 ] Next map >>

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Other maps from mapper hm^
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kz_ins_2ndbhop kz_ins_2ndbhop kz_ins_bhoptown kz_ins_bhoptown kz_ins_industryrun kz_ins_industryrun kz_ins_insilio kz_ins_insilio
kz_ins_trainrun kz_ins_trainrun kz_kzsca_bhopindustry kz_kzsca_bhopindustry kz_kzsca_egyptmemories kz_kzsca_egyptmemories kz_kzsca_escape kz_kzsca_escape
kz_kzsca_heaven2 kz_kzsca_heaven2 kz_kzsca_heaven3 kz_kzsca_heaven3 kz_kzsca_still kz_kzsca_still kz_nobkz_factoryrun kz_nobkz_factoryrun
kz_xj_communitybhop kz_xj_communitybhop

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