Latest bkZ Info
Map - bhop_csr

Record info
Record: klinch - 00:48.10
Date: 27.06.2020
Rebeaten: 7
World record: Mrjuice - 00:46.45
Map info
Difficulty: Average-Hard
Mapper: Tatu Eugen
Created on: 31.12.2009
Type: Unofficial

Previous record holders
Jumper Time Date
Infinity 00:49.01 ( 00:00.91) Tue, Apr 23 2013
2Dex 00:50.06 ( 00:01.96) Tue, Mar 27 2012
mi7aka 00:51.80 ( 00:03.70) Mon, Jan 02 2012
noobsize`assi 00:51.81 ( 00:03.71) Mon, Aug 01 2011
DeeDFTW 00:51.86 ( 00:03.76) Mon, Jun 20 2011
lurp 00:52.32 ( 00:04.22) Sun, May 29 2011

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