Latest bkZ Info
Map - bhop_terrainhop

Record info
Record: dReaMLike - 00:29.51
Date: 10.12.2023
Rebeaten: 9
World record: LeblE - 00:27.87
Map info
Difficulty: Easy
Mapper: Doesnt
Created on: 29.06.2011
Type: Unofficial

Previous record holders
Jumper Time Date
klinch 00:29.54 ( 00:00.03) Sat, Jun 27 2020
2Dex 00:29.55 ( 00:00.04) Wed, Nov 19 2014
noobsize`assi 00:29.89 ( 00:00.38) Mon, Aug 22 2011
nooke 00:30.26 ( 00:00.75) Mon, Aug 15 2011
noobsize`assi 00:31.70 ( 00:02.19) Mon, Aug 01 2011
b.rabbit 00:32.22 ( 00:02.71) Mon, Jul 25 2011
Armageddon 00:33.24 ( 00:03.73) Mon, Jul 18 2011
Saharaa 00:34.40 ( 00:04.89) Sun, Jul 10 2011

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kzarg_cousblock kzarg_cousblock kzarg_eazystrafes kzarg_eazystrafes kzla_cdbanana kzla_cdbanana street street

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