Latest bkZ Info
Map - kz_1man_understock

Record info
Record: transcendence - 04:23.80
Date: 23.02.2023
Rebeaten: 3
World record: topoviygus - 01:02.51
Map info
Difficulty: Hard
Mapper: 8ball1
Created on: 05.12.2007
Type: Official

Previous record holders
Jumper Time Date
DeeDFTW 05:34.87 ( 01:11.07) Sat, Sep 18 2010
special 05:52.57 ( 01:28.77) Thu, Sep 09 2010

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Other maps with the same difficulty
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Other maps from mapper 8ball1
8b1_brickngrass 8b1_brickngrass 8b1_hellinashop 8b1_hellinashop kz_cxg_jekyll kz_cxg_jekyll kz_owensvalley kz_owensvalley

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